A very-near future dystopia. Animals are infected with a disease that makes them poisonous to humans and their place in our diet, and on our supermarket shelves, has been replaced by human meat. Humans denied speech at birth, raised in ignorance of what they are and then efficiently slaughtered.
Tender is the Flesh is midnight dark and deeply affecting. It’s stylistically simple and written with the urgency of a thriller. Its ending will leave you stunned and possibly despairing of humanity.

The story follows our protagonist, Marcos, a senior employee in a slaughterhouse processing human meat, through a world that has learned how to justify and even to celebrate cannibalism. As we experience his growing disgust at colleagues, family and the world, we are also exposed to a powerful paradox at his core – despite everything that surrounds him, he still desires to become a parent, whatever the cost to his soul.
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