So, as I was saying before you punched me, it don’t matter what you believe, it just matters what’s what. What’s true.
Don’t shake your head at me, that ain’t going to encourage cooperation is it.
Okay, calmed down, Inspector? Ready to listen? Then begin again, I shall.
Why did I do it? Because she told me to do it.
Who? Her. I don’t know who she is. It wasn’t a job interview. I didn’t apply.
I saw her in the mirror the first time. A mirror just like the one behind you. Messy bugger she was, facing away from me. Couldn’t see nothing of her face on account of her long hair. She was speaking, whispering really.
Who to?
To whom?
Someone out of view. I pressed my face to the mirror and tried to look into the room – that’s what it was – a room on the other side of the mirror. Big mistake. She grabbed me before I knew what happening. My face half in and out the mirror like it was water. I was drowning, drinking mercury.
She told me what I had to do. Said it was mandatory. A form of calling.
I pledged obedience as she held me and then ran. I thought I could escape her. Went home and locked myself in. But she was there in every mirror. In that room. She had me wherever I ran.
I bought the knife. Rode the escalator down into the tube. Got off at London Bridge and stared up at The Shard. I thought it was appropriate. It looks like a shank threatening the sky don’t you think. Anyway, this bloke in a suit looked at me funny. He was the one. Knew it just like that. So I stabbed him and he died. Your men arrested me and here I am.
In front of you. And the mirror. I can see her peering into the room, speaking, whispering. He looks just like me.